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  • 松永和人
  • グッドパスチャー症候群. 今日の治療指針Vol.59, 807-808, 医学書院, 2017
  • 松永和人
  • 喘息・COPD・ACOSの鑑別はどう進める? もう悩まない!喘息・COPD・ACOSの外来診療, 15-19, 羊土社, 2016
  • 松永和人
  • COPD・ACOS関連疾患. もう悩まない!喘息・COPD・ACOSの外来診療, 171-176, 羊土社, 2016
  • 松永和人
  • 呼気一酸化窒素濃度(FeNO)測定は喘息治療でどのように運用すべきか? EBM呼吸器疾患の治療2016-2017, 50-54, 中外医学社, 2016
  • 大石景士, 松永和人
  • COPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患). 今日の診療のためにガイドライン外来診療2016, 372-377, 日経メディカル開発, 2016
  • 大石景士, 松永和人
  • 喘息:呼気NO測定の活用法. 内科INTERNAL 12, 1053-1057, 南江堂, 2016
  • 松永和人
  • 新しい検査、呼気一酸化窒素測定、呼吸器疾患診療の最先端175-178, 先端医療技術研究所 2015
  • 松永和人
  • 薬物によるコントロール・段階的薬剤投与プラン 喘息予防・管理ガイドライン2015, 一般社団法人日本アレルギー学会 喘息ガイドライン専門部会, 137-149, 協和企画, 2015.
  • 平野綱彦
  • 一ノ瀬正和: COPDの治療戦略~SABAの位置づけ~. 呼吸器疾患のピットフォール, 呼吸, 216-220, 2015
  • 平野綱彦
  • 一ノ瀬正和: 声帯機能不全. 呼吸器疾患のピットフォール, 呼吸, 233-236, 2015
  • 松永和人
  • 呼気NO 呼吸機能検査テキスト 原理、測定法の実際から臨床例まで, 47-53, 一般社団法人 呼吸研究 2014.
  • 松永和人
  • 気管支喘息 呼吸機能検査テキスト 原理、測定法の実際から臨床例まで, 70-75, 一般社団法人 呼吸研究 2014.
  • Matsunaga K
  • Oxidative stress and respiratory muscle dysfunction. Studies on Respiratory Disorders, 225-243, Humana Press 2014.
  • 松永和人
  • EBCを中心に アレルギー疾患のバイオマーカー, 54-59, ライフサイエンス出版, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 防御と免疫 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 8-9, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 胸水 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 16-17, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 気管・気管支・肺の発育異常及び形成不全 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 48-49, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • かぜ症候群, インフルエンザと急性気管支炎 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 50-51, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 細菌性肺炎・肺膿瘍 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 52-55, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 非定型肺炎 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 56-57, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 肺ウィルス感染症 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 70-71, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 気管支拡張症 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 76-77, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 肺動静脈奇形 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 100-101, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 好酸球性肺炎 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 110-113, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • アレルギー性気管支肺アスペルギルス症 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 114-115, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 胸膜炎 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 142-143, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 血胸 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 144, 文光堂, 2014
  • 松永和人
  • 乳び胸 イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学, 一ノ瀬正和編, 145, 文光堂, 2014.
  • 平野綱彦
  • 5. 呼吸器内視鏡検査. 一ノ瀬正和 編集, 一ノ瀬正和, イラストでわかる呼吸器内科学. 文光堂, p30-p31, 2014
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 気管支喘息 新呼吸療法テキスト, 日本呼吸器学会、日本麻酔科学会、日本胸部外科学会合同呼吸療法認定師認定委員会, 252-256, アトムス, 2012.
  • 松永和人
  • 薬物によるコントロール・段階的薬剤投与プラン 喘息予防・管理ガイドライン2012, 一般社団法人日本アレルギー学会 喘息ガイドライン専門部会, 129-139, 協和企画, 2012.
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 難治性喘息 アレルギー・リウマチ膠原病診療 最新ガイドライン, 6-9, 総合医学社, 2012.
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 検査・鑑別・重症度(判定)一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会 編集, 臨床医のためのアレルギー診療ガイドブック, 53-59, 診断と治療社, 2012.
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 気管支喘息(成人喘息とは)一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会 編集, 臨床医のためのアレルギー診療ガイドブック, 47-52, 診断と治療社, 2012.
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 喘息治療管理のモニタリング法の今後の見通しは? EBMアレルギー疾患の治療 2010-2011, 69-73, 中外医学社, 2009.
  • 平野綱彦, 一ノ瀬正和
  • COPDの病因と病態. 桑平一郎 編著, COPDハンドブック. 中外医学社, p8-p15, 2008
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 高齢者における気管支喘息とCOPDの臨床上の問題点・留意点. 相澤久道監修, 気管支喘息とCOPDの類似点・相違点, 98-108, メディカルレビュー社, 2007.
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 喘息治療の考え方 発作時(急性増悪時)の治療指針 1.発作強度と薬物療法の実際 成人の場合 工藤翔二監修, 大田 健, 一ノ瀬正和編集, 呼吸器common diseaseの診療 気管支喘息のすべて, 287-291, 文光堂, 2007
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 喘息治療の考え方 どんな薬物で治療するか? 2.発作治療薬(リリーバー) 工藤翔二監修, 大田 健, 一ノ瀬正和編集, 呼吸器common diseaseの診療 気管支喘息のすべて, 268-273, 文光堂, 2007.
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 薬物療法の基礎知識 抗炎症薬 25. ステロイドの使用法 (吸入・経口) 高齢者診療のツボ COPD, 福地義之助編, 83-87, 日本医事新報社, 2006.
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 薬物療法の基礎知識 気管支拡張薬 23. β2刺激薬の種類・使用法 高齢者診療のツボ COPD, 福地義之助編, 73-77, 日本医事新報社, 2006.
  • 平野綱彦, 一ノ瀬正和
  • 薬物療法の基礎知識 気管支拡張薬 22. 抗コリン薬の種類・使用法. 高齢者診療のツボ COPD. 福地義之助編, 日本医事新報社, p66-p72, 2006
  • 松永和人, 一ノ瀬正和
  • β2刺激薬 COPD診療マニュアル, 一ノ瀬正和編, 49-56, 南江堂, 2005.
  • 平野綱彦, 山縣俊之, 一ノ瀬正和
  • β2刺激薬の使用法. 気管支喘息診療ハンドブック. 永井厚志編, 中外医学社, p117-p126, 2005
  • Matsunaga K, Klein TW, Newton C, Friedman H, and Yamamoto Y
  • Legionella pneumophila and Interleukin-12 Production. In Vitro Infection Model. Legionella. 120-123. ASM press, 2002.
  • 松永和人, 石原亨介, 富井啓介, 片山覚, 亀井雅, 徳永豊, 坂本廣子
  • 慢性咳嗽の臨床 喘息教室, 113-121, 新興医学出版, 1999.
  • 平野綱彦, 勝俣範之
  • 談話医療, がん診療レジデントマニュアル第1版. 国立がんセンター中央病院内科レジテント編, p228-239, 1997


  • Oka A, Hirano T, Yamaji Y, Ito K, Oishi K, Edakuni N, Kawano R, Matsunaga K
  • Determinants of Incomplete Asthma Control in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. 5(1):160-164,DOI:10.1016/j.jaip.2016.08.002, 2017
  • Matsunaga K, Hirano T, Oka A, Ito K, Edakuni N
  • Persistently high exhaled nitric oxide and loss of lung function in controlled asthma. Allergol Int 65(3):266-71, DOI:10.1016/j.alit.2015.12.006, 2016
  • Hayata A, Minakata Y, Matsunaga K, Nakanishi M, Yamamoto N
  • Differences in physical activity according to mMRC grade in patients with COPD. International Journal of COPD 11(1):2203-2208, DOI:10.2147/COPD.S1096942016, 2016
  • Keiji Oishi, Keisuke Aoe, Yusuke Mimura, Yoriyuki Murata, Kenji Sakamoto, Wataru Koutoku, Tsuneo Matsumoto, Hiroshi Ueoka
  • Survival from an Acute Exacerbation of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis with or without Direct Hemoperfusion with a Polymyxin B-immobilized Fiber Column: A Retrospective Analysis. Internal Medicine, DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.55.6056, 2016
  • Matsunaga K, Hayata A, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Tamada T, Kamei T, Tsuda T, Nakamura H, Takahashi T, Hozawa S, Mori Y, Sakamoto Y, Kimura K, Katsumata U, Miura M, Ichinose M
  • Stratifying the risk of COPD exacerbation using the modified Medical Reseach Council scale: A multicenter cross-sectional CAP study. Respir Investig, 53(2), 82-85, 2015.
  • Matsunaga K, Hirano T, Oka A, Tanaka A, Kanai K, Kikuchi T, Hayata A, Akamatsu H, Akamatsu K, Koh Y, Nakanishi M, Minakata Y, Yamamoto N
  • Progression of Irreversible Airflow Limitation in Asthma: Correlation with Severe Exacerbations. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract, 3(5), 759-764, 2015.
  • Kanai K, Koarai A, Shishikura Y, Sugiura H, Ichikawa T, Kikuchi T, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Cigarette smoke augments MUC5AC production via the TLR3-EGFR pathway in airway epithelial cells. Respir Investig, 53(4), 137-148, 2015
  • Minakata Y, Morishita Y, Ichikawa T, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Ichinose M
  • Effects of pharmacologic treatment based on airflow limitation and breathlessness on daily physical activity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis, 10, 1275-1282, 2015.
  • Matsunaga K, Ichikawa T, Oka A, Morishita Y, Kanai K, Hiramatsu M, Akamatsu H, Kawabata H, Kikuchi T, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Koh Y, Nakanishi M, Minakata Y, Yamamoto N
  • Changes in forced expiratory volume in 1 second over time in patients with controlled asthma at baseline. Respir Med, 108(7), 976-982, 2014.
  • Ichikawa T, Sugiura H, Koarai A, Minakata Y, Kikuchi T, Morishita Y, Oka A, Kanai K, Kawabata H, Hiramatsu M, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Yamamoto N, Ichinose M
  • TLR3 Activation Augments Matrix Metalloproteinase Production through Reactive Nitrogen Species Generation in Human Lung Fibroblasts. J Immunol 192, 4977-4988, 2014.
  • Oka A, Matsunaga K, Kamei T, Sakamoto Y, Hirano T, Hayata A, Akamatsu K, Kikuchi T, Hiramatsu M, Ichikawa T, Nakanishi M, Minakata Y, Yamamoto N
  • Ongoing allergic rhinitis impairs asthma control by enhancing the lower airway inflammation. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract, 2(2), 172-178, 2014.
  • Minakata Y, Sugino A, Kanda M, Ichikawa T, Akamatsu K, Koarai A, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Sugiura H, Matsunaga K, Ichinose M
  • Reduced level of physical activity in Japanese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respir Investig, 52, 41-48, 2014.
  • Oda H, Kawayama T, Imaoka H, Sakazaki Y, Kaku Y, Okamoto M, Kitasato Y, Edakuni N, Takenaka S, Yoshida M, Iwanaga T, Kato S, O'Byrne PM, Hoshino T
  • Interleukin-18 expression, CD8(+) T cells, and eosinophils in lungs of nonsmokers with fatal asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 112(1), 23-28, 2014.
  • Minakata Y, Morishita Y, Hiramatsu M, Ichikawa T, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K and Ichinose M
  • Effect of Transdermal Tulobuterol Patch on the Physical Activity in Eight Male Subjects with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Clin Res Pulmonol, 1(2), 1010, 2013.
  • Inaba H, Hayakawa T, Miyamoto W, Takeshima K, Yamaoka H, Furukawa Y, Kawashima H, Ariyasu H, Wakasaki H, Furuta H, Nishi M, Nakao T, Sasaki H, Okada Y, Matsunaga K, Nakamura Y and Akamizu T
  • IgG4-related Ocular Adnexal Disease Mimicking Thyroid-associated Orbitopathy. Intern Med 52, 2545-2551, 2013.
  • Matsunaga K, Kawabata H, Hirano T, Sugiura H, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Difference in time-course of improvement in asthma control measures between budesonide and budesonide/formoterol. Pulm Pharmacol Ther, 26(2), 189-194, 2013.
  • Hayata A, Matsunaga K, Hirano T, Akamatsu K, Ichikawa T, Minakata Y and Ichinose M
  • Stratifying a Risk for an Increased Variation of Airway Caliber among the Clinically Stable Asthma. Allergol Int, 62, 343-349, 2013.
  • Hirano T, Matsunaga K, Sugiura H, Minakata Y, Koarai A, Akamatsu K, Ichikawa T, Furukawa K, Ichinose M
  • Relationship between alveolar nitric oxide concentration in exhaled air and small airway function in COPD. J Breath Res, 7(4), 046002, 2013.
  • Matsunaga K, Hirano T, Akamatsu K and Minakata Y
  • Predictors for Identifying the Efficacy of Systemic Steroids on Sustained Exhaled Nitric Oxide Elevation in Severe Asthma. Allergol Int 62, 359-365, 2013.
  • Ichikawa T, Sugiura H, Koarai A, Kikuchi T, Hiramatsu M, Kawabata H, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • 25-Hydroxycholesterol promotes fibroblast-mediated tissue remodeling through NF-κβ dependent pathway. Exp Cell Res 319, 1176-1186, 2013.
  • Hirano T, Matsunaga K, Sugiura H, Minakata Y, Koarai A, Akamatsu K, Ichikawa T, Furukawa K, Ichinose M
  • Persistent elevation of exhaled nitric oxide and modification of corticosteroid therapy in asthma. Respir Investig 51, 84-91, 2013.
  • Matsunaga K, Kawabata H, Hirano T, Sugiura H, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Difference in time-course of improvement in asthma control measures between budesonide and budesonide/formoterol. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 26(2), 189-194, 2013.
  • Matsunaga K, Akamatsu K, Miyatake A, Ichinose M
  • Natural history and risk factors of obstructive changes over a 10-year period in severe asthma. Respir Med 107(3), 355-360, 2013.
  • Sekiduka-Kumano T, Kawayama T, Ito K, Shoji Y, Matsunaga K, Okamoto M, Edakuni N, Imaoka H, Uchimura N, Hoshino T
  • Positive association between the plasma levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and the severity of depression in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. BMC Psychiatry, 13, 159, 2013.
  • Sawada M, Kawayama T, Imaoka H, Sakazaki Y, Oda H, Takenaka S, Kaku Y, Azuma K, Tajiri M, Edakuni N, Okamoto M, Kato S, Hoshino T
  • IL-18 induces airway hyperresponsiveness and pulmonary inflammation via CD4+ T cell and IL-13, PLoS One, 8(1), e54623, 2013.
  • Koarai A, Yanagisawa S, Sugiura H, Ichikawa T, Kikuchi T, Furukawa K, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • 25-hydroxycholesterol enhances cytokine release and toll-like receptor 3 response in airway epithelial cells. Respir Res 13, 63, 2012.
  • Koarai A, Yanagisawa S, Sugiura H, Ichikawa T, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Cigarette smoke augments the expression and responses of toll-like receptor 3 in human macrophages. Respirology 17, 1018-1025, 2012.
  • Matsunaga K, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Ichinose M
  • Response to treatment in individuals with late-onset asthma. J Am Geriatr Soc 60, 1587-1588, 2012.
  • Matsunaga K, Yanagisawa S, Hirano T, Ichikawa T, Koarai A, Akamatsu K, Sugiura H, Minakata Y, Matsunaga K, Kawayama T, Ichinose M
  • Associated demographics of persistent exhaled nitric oxide elevation in treated asthmatics. Clin Exp Allergy 42, 775-781, 2012.
  • Sugiura H, Koarai A, Ichikawa T, Minakata Y, Matsunaga K, Hirano T, Akamatsu K, Yanagisawa S, Furusawa M, Uno Y, Yamasaki M, Satomi Y, Ichinose M
  • Increased 25- hydroxycholesterol concentrations in the lungs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respirology 17, 533-540, 2012.
  • Sugiura H, Kawabata H, Ichikawa T, Koarai A, Yanagisawa S, Kikuchi T, Minakata Y, Matsunaga K, Nakanishi M, Hirano T, Akamatsu K, Furukawa K, Ichinose M
  • Inhibitory effects of theophylline on the peroxynitrite-augmented release of matrix metalloproteinases by lung fibroblasts. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 302(8), L764-L774, 2012.
  • Kikuchi T, Sugiura H, Koarai A, Ichikawa T, Minakata Y, Matsunaga K, Nakanishi M, Hirano T, Akamatsu K, Yanagisawa S, Furukawa K, Kawabata H, Ichinose M
  • Increase of 27-hydroxycholesterol in the airways of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: possible role of 27-hydroxycholesterol in tissue fibrosis. Chest 142(2), 329-337, 2012.
  • Kanda M, Minakata Y, Matsunaga K, Sugiura H, Hirano T, Koarai A, Akamatsu K, Ichikawa T and Ichinose M
  • Validation of the Triaxial Accelerometer for the Evaluation of Physical Activity in Japanese Patients with COPD. Intern Med 51, 369-375, 2012.
  • Sugino A, Minakata Y, Kanda M, Akamatsu K, Koarai A, Hirano T, Sugiura H, Matsunaga K, Ichinose M
  • Validation of a Compact Motion Sensor for the Measurement of Physical Activity in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Respiration 83, 300-307, 2012.
  • Ito K, Kawayama T, Shoji Y, Fukushima N, Matsunaga K, Edakuni N, Uchimura N, Hoshino T
  • Depression, but not sleep disorder, is an independent factor affecting exacerbations and hospitalization in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Respirology, 17(6), 940-949, 2012.
  • Akamatsu K, Matsunaga K, Sugiura H, Koarai A, Hirano T, Minakata Y and Ichinose M
  • Improvement of airflow limitation by fluticasone propionate/salmeterol in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: what is the specific marker ? Front Pharmacol 2, 36, 2011.
  • Matsunaga K, Hirano T, Akamatsu K, Koarai A, Sugiura H, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Exhaled nitric oxide cutoff values for asthma diagnosis according to rhinitis and smoking status in Japanese subjects. Allergol Int 60, 331-337, 2011.
  • Furukawa K, Sugiura H, Matsunaga K, Ichikawa T, Koarai A, Hirano T, Yanagisawa S, Minakata Y, Akamatsu K, Kanda M, Nishigai M and Ichinose M
  • Increase of nitrosative stress in patients with eosinophilic pneumonia. Respir Res 12, 81, 2011.
  • Matsunaga K, Hirano T, Kawayama T, Tsuburai T, Nagase H, Aizawa H, Akiyama K, Ohta K and Ichinose M
  • Reference ranges for exhaled nitric oxide fraction in healthy Japanese adult population. Allergol Int 59, 363-367, 2010.
  • Minakata Y, Ueda H, Akamatsu K, Kanda M, Yanagisawa S, Ichikawa T, Koarai A, Hirano T, Sugiura H, Matsunaga K, Ichinose M
  • High COPD prevalence in patients with liver diseases. Intern Med 49, 2687-2691, 2010.
  • Koarai A, Sugiura H, Yanagisawa S, Ichikawa T, Minakata Y, Matsunaga K, Hirano T, Akamatsu K, Ichinose M
  • Oxidative Stress Enhances Toll-like Receptor 3 Response to Double-stranded RNA in Airway Epithelial Cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 42, 651-660, 2010.
  • Matsunaga K, Ichikawa T, Yanagisawa S, Akamatsu K, Koarai A, Hirano T, Sugiura H, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Clinical Application of Exhaled Breath Condensate Analysis in Asthma: Prediction of FEV・ Improvement by Steroid Therapy. Respiration 78, 393-398, 2009.
  • Yanagisawa S, Koarai A, Sugiura H, Ichikawa T, Kanda M, Tanaka R, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Oxidative stress augments toll-like receptor 8 mediated neutrophilic responses in healthy subjects. Respir Res 10, 50, 2009.
  • Matsunaga K, Ichinose M
  • Issues and cautions of asthma management in elderly patients. International Review of Asthma 11, 34-41, 2009.
  • Sugiura H, Ichikawa T, Koarai A, Yanagisawa S, Minakata Y, Matsunaga K, Hirano T, Akamatsu K, Ichinose M
  • Activation of Toll-Like Receptor 3 Augments Myofibroblast Differentiation. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 40, 654-662, 2009.
  • Yanagisawa S, Sugiura H, Yokoyama T, Yamagata T, Ichikawa T, Akamatsu K, Koarai A, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • The possible role of hematopoietic cell kinase in the pathophysiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chest 135, 94-101, 2009.
  • Matsunaga K, Yanagisawa S, Ichikawa T, Akamatsu K, Koarai A, Hirano T, Sugiura H, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Molecular Mechanism of the Additive Effects of Leukotriene Modifier in Asthmatic Patients Receiving Steroid Therapy. Allergol Int 58, 89-96, 2009.
  • Yamagata T, Yamagata Y, Nishimoto T, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Minakata Y, Ichinose M, Dagenais A, Berthiaume Y
  • The regulation of amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channels by tumor necrosis factor-alpha in injured lungs and alveolar type II cells.Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 166(1):16-23,2009.
  • Okamoto M, Azuma K, Hoshino T, Imaoka H, Ikeda J, Kinoshita T, Takamori S, Ohshima K, Edakuni N, Kato S, Iwanaga T, Aizawa H
  • Correlation of decreased survival and IL-18 in bone metastasis, Intern Med, 48(10), 763-773, 2009.
  • Ichikawa T, Sugiura H, Koarai A, Yanagisawa S, Kanda M, Hayata A, Furukawa K, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Peroxynitrite augments fibroblast-mediated tissue remodeling via myofibroblast differentiation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 295, 800-808, 2008.
  • Matsunaga K, Kanda M, Hayata A, Yanagisawa S, Ichikawa T, Akamatsu K, Koarai A, Hirano T, Sugiura H, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Peak Expiratory Flow Variability Adjusted by Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second is a Good Index for Airway Responsiveness in Asthmatics. Intern Med 47, 1107-1112, 2008.
  • Yamagata T, Hirano T, Sugiura H, Yanagisawa S, Ichikawa T, Ueshima K, Akamatsu K, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Comparison of bronchodilatory properties of transdermal and inhaled long-acting β2-agonists. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 21, 160-165, 2008.
  • Kawayama T, Minakata Y, Matsunaga K, Yamagata T, Tsuda T, Kinoshita M, Iwanaga T, Ichinose M, Aizawa H
  • Validation of symptom-based COPD questionnaires in Japanese subjects. Respirology 13, 420-426, 2008.
  • Minakata Y, Sugiura H, Yamagata T, Yanagisawa S, Ichikawa T, Koarai A, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Matsunaga K, Ichinose M
  • Prevalence of COPD in Primary Care Clinics: Correlation with Non-Respiratory Diseases. Intern Med 47, 77-82, 2008.
  • Ichikawa T, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Yanagisawa S, Ueshima K, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Sugiura H, Yamagata T, Ichinose M
  • Possible impact of salivary influence on cytokine analysis in exhaled breath condensate. Anal Chem Insights 2, 85-92, 2007.
  • Ueshima K, Minakata Y, Sugiura H, Yanagisawa S, Ichikawa T, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Yamagata T, Ichinose M
  • The Influence of Free 3-Nitrotyrosine and Saliva on the Quantitative Analysis of Protein-Bound 3-Nitrotyrosine in Sputum. Anal Chem Insights 2, 1-7, 2007.
  • Akamatsu K, Yamagata T, Takahashi T, Miura K, Maeda S, Yamagata Y, Ichikawa T, Yanagisawa S, Ueshima K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Improvement of pulmonary function and dyspnea by tiotropium in COPD patients using a transdermal β2-agonist. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 20, 701-707, 2007.
  • Yamagata T, Sugiura H, Yokoyama T, Yanagisawa S, Ichikawa T, Ueshima K, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Yamagata Y, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Overexpression of CD-11b and CXCR1 on Circulating Neutrophils: Its Possible Role in COPD. Chest 132, 890-899, 2007.
  • Matsui D, Kitasato Y, Honda S, Ueno K, Tanaka A, Edakuni N, Mukaino T, Nishimura M, Kawayama T, Hoshino T, Fujimoto K, Koga T, Aizawa H
  • A case of bacterial pneumonia caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis, showing patchy consolidations resembling organizing pneumonia, Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai Zasshi, 45(1), 36-42, 2007.
  • Matsunaga K, Yamagata T, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Importance of assistance by caregivers for inhaled corticosteroid therapy in elderly patients with asthma. J Am Geriatr Soc 54, 1626-1627, 2006.
  • Matsunaga K, Yanagisawa S, Ichikawa T, Ueshima K, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Yamagata T, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Airway cytokine expression measured by means protein array in exhaled breath condensate: Correlation with physiologic properties in asthmatic patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol 118, 84-90, 2006.
  • Hirano T, Yamagata T, Gohda M, Yamagata Y, Ichikawa T, Yanagisawa S, Ueshima K, Akamatsu K, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Inhibition of reactive nitrogen species production in COPD airways: comparison of inhaled corticosteroid and oral theophylline. Thorax 61, 761-766, 2006.
  • Matsunaga K, Yanagisawa S, Ichikawa T, Ueshima K, Akamatsu K, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Yamagata T, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Two Cases of Asthma in Handicapped Elderly Persons in Which Assisted Inhalation Therapy Was Effective. Allergol Int 55, 347-351, 2006.
  • Edakuni N, Ikuta K, Yano S, Nakataki E, Muguruma H, Uehara H, Tani M, Yokota J, Aizawa H, Sone S
  • Restored expression of the MYO18B gene suppresses orthotopic growth and the production of bloody pleural effusion by human malignant pleural mesothelioma cells in SCID mice, Oncol Res, 16(5), 235-243, 2006.
  • Ueno K, Kawayama T, Edakuni N, Koga T, Aizawa H
  • A case of thoracic empyema with gas formation associated with Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. Equisimilis, Kansenshogaku Zasshi, 80(5), 527-530, 2006.
  • Yamagata T, Okamoto Y, Yamagata Y, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinaemia accompanied by pleural effusion. Respirology 10, 124-127, 2005.
  • Minakata Y, Nakanishi M, Hirano T, Matsunaga K, Yamagata T, Ichinose M
  • Microvascular hyperpermeability in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease airways. Thorax 60, 882, 2005.
  • Yano S, Muguruma H, Matsumori Y, Goto H, Nakataki E, Edakuni N, Tomimoto H, Kakiuchi S, Yamamoto A, Uehara H, Ryan A, Sone S
  • Antitumor vascular strategy for controlling experimental metastatic spread of human small-cell lung cancer cells with ZD6474 in natural killer cell-depleted severe combined immunodeficient mice, Clin Cancer Res, 11(24 Pt 1), 8789-98, 2005.
  • Yano S, Nakataki E, Ohtsuka S, Inayama M, Tomimoto H, Edakuni N, Kakiuchi S, Nishikubo N, Muguruma H, Sone S
  • Retreatment of lung adenocarcinoma patients with gefitinib who had experienced favorable results from their initial treatment with this selective epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor: a report of three cases, 15(2), 107-111, 2005.
  • Yamamoto Y, Matsunaga K, Friedman H
  • Protective effects of green tea catechins on alveolar macrophages against bacterial infections. Biofactors 21(1-4), 119-121, 2004.
  • Matsunaga K, Nishimoto T, Hirano T, Nakanishi M, Yamagata T, Minakata Y, Kuroda M, Ikeda T, Nakanishi H and Ichinose M
  • Effect of a leukotriene receptor antagonist on the prevention of recurrent asthma attacks after an emergency room visit. Allergol Int 53(4), 341-347, 2004.
  • Yamagata T, Yamagata Y, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Minakata Y, Ichinose M
  • A case of primary lung cancer producing alpha-fetoprotein. Can Respir J 11, 504-506, 2004.
  • Hanibuchi M, Yano S, Edakuni N, Inayama M, Sone S
  • A case of early-stage lung cancer detected by autofluorescence bronchoscopy, J Med Invest, 51(3-4), 234-7, 2004.
  • Matsunaga K, Yamaguchi H, Klein TW, Friedman H, Yamamoto Y
  • Legionella pneumophila suppresses macrophage interleukin-12 production by activating the p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade. Infect Immun 71(11), 6672-6675, 2003.
  • Yamagata T, Nakamura Y, Yamagata Y, Nakanishi M, Matsunaga K, Nakanishi H, Nishimoto T, Minakata Y, Mune M, Yukawa S
  • The pilot trial of the prevention of the increase in electrical taste thresholds by zinc containing fluid infusion during chemotherapy to treat primary lung cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 22(4), 557-563, 2003.
  • Matsunaga K, Klein TW, Friedman H, and Yamamoto Y
  • Epigallocatechin Gallate, a Potential Immunomodulatory Agent of Tea Components, Diminishes Cigarette Smoke Condensate-Induced Suppression of Anti-Legionella pneumophila Activity and Cytokine Responses of Alveolar Macrophages. Clin Vaccine Immunol 9, 864-871, 2002.
  • Matsunaga K, Klein TW, Newton C, Friedman H, and Yamamoto Y
  • Beneficial Effects of Green Tea Catechins on Alveolar Macrophages Infected with Pneumoniae Causing Bacteria. Proceedings of 2001 international conference on tea culture and science, 151-153, 2002
  • Matsunaga K, Klein TW, Friedman H, and Yamamoto Y
  • In Vitro Therapeutic Effect of Epigallocatechin Gallate on Nicotine-Induced Impairment of Resistance to Legionella pneumophila Infection of Established MH-S Alveolar Macrophages. J Infect Dis 185, 229-236, 2002.
  • Matsunaga K, Klein TW, Friedman H, and Yamamoto Y
  • Involvement of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Suppression of Antimicrobial Activity and Cytokine Responses of Alveolar Macrophages to Legionella pneumophila Infection by Nicotine. J Immunol 167, 6518-6524, 2001.
  • Matsunaga K, Klein TW, Friedman H, and Yamamoto Y
  • Legionella pneumophila Replication in Macrophages Inhibited by Selective Immunomodulatory Effects on Cytokine Formation by Epigallocatechin Gallate, A Major Form of Tea Catechins. Infect Immun 69, 3947-3953, 2001.
  • Matsunaga K, Klein TW, Friedman H, and Yamamoto Y
  • Alveolar Macrophage Cell Line MH-S Is Valuable as an In Vitro Model for Legionella pneumophila Infection. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 24, 326-331, 2001.
  • Matsunaga K, Klein TW, Newton C, Friedman H, and Yamamoto Y
  • Legionella pneumophila Suppresses Interleukin-12 Production by Macrophages. Infect Immun 69, 1929-1933, 2001.
  • Nakachi N, Matsunaga K, Friedman H, and Yamamoto Y
  • Differential Effects of Virulent versus Avirulent Legionella pneumophila on Chemokine Gene Expression in Murine Alveolar Macrophages Determined by cDNA Expression Array Technique. Infect Immun 68, 6069-6072, 2000.